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Coaching Feedback:

Ren reached out and invited me to experience life/spiritual coaching with them.  I embarked on a 6-week session that exceeded my expectations. Ren was great at explaining the process, answering my questions, following up with notes and information, and above all holding a safe space where I could be vulnerable. I feared goal setting previously because I didn't want to fail. Ren coached me in a gentle way to make attainable and flexible goals each week. I was so excited to share my follow-up progress as the weeks went on. There were deep emotions under the layer of day-to-day happenings that I had not processed and/or healed. Each week I worked through those and was able to identify the emotion and the block that kept me from moving through. Ren felt very much like the light in my unhealed cave of trauma. I was able to make the connections that were keeping me from achieving personal goals. Ren is the best hype person as you evolve! I felt seen, heard, and always safe in the space we shared. I highly recommend this service with this incredible human. 

 - GM (she/her)
- Fat Girls Hiking, Indigenous Mexican, moss lover, tree hugger

Want to know more about entering into a coaching relationship with me?

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Danceground, Poetry, Podcast, Etsy Shop & More!

Get silly and playful on the Danceground, cozy up with some poetry and/or a podcast episode, or gift your loves some goodies from a chronically healing queer.

More info can be found on the “Offerings” page or by clicking the green rectangle here.

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